Mom 2.0 Summit - The Ritz Carlton in Dana Point, California

What a fabulous time I had at the Mom 2.0 Summit that took place at The Ritz Carlton in Dana Point, California from April 27-29. An amazing networking opportunity for women to meet and hear from other influencers and leaders who create online content particularly in the parenting space but also in lifestyle, food, entertainment, marketing, travel and technology .

Dove was the main sponsor and I'm honored to be partnering with the brand and to participate in this world class event. Dove sponsored many activities including yoga, self esteem workshops as well as the keynote speaker Soledad O'Brian who spoke eloquently on the offline impact of our online words.

I know as a pediatrician that the power of our words can hugely impact others. Words can have an effect on self esteem, confidence and even our physical health. We must teach kids through our own actions as role models to use words to make a positive impression instead of a negative one. 
I spent most of my time in the Dove suite at the "genius" Dr Bar. I was accessible to all for mini consultations regarding children's skin care but also pretty much any pediatric topics the participants wanted to discuss. It was an awesome way to meet these women and also give them individualized parenting information they were seeking.

The energy was upbeat, positive and contagious throughout my whole stay . I ended with a very much appreciated foot massage and hairstyling which was free for all attendees courtesy of Dove. Can't wait to participate next year !


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