Tips on Teething for Toddlers and Babies

I love giving live seminars with mom and baby together as it's so helpful and satisfying when moms can get the information they need and ask their specific questions.  I was also introduced to an amazing new teether by that's great for small hands to play with and chew on, made of high grade silicone, dishwasher safe, and no place for germs to hide. Here's a few take aways from my talk and enjoy the live video as well below

Teething 101 Tips and Myths

Developmental age 3-4 month babies drool alot and learn to put hands together this is normal development and not necessarily at all teething

Hereditary -  most babies start to have teeth erupt around 6 months of age (yes it can be sooner) or  even not until after age 1

Helpful Hint

  • massage gum with clean finger

  • use high quality teethers to gnaw on for comfort

  • try  a cold wet wash cloth to suck on 

  • if severe use a pain reliever only as needed


  • Use alcohol to rub on gums for pain- it can get absorbed and potential intoxication

  • avoid gels with numbing properties (benzocaine) potential serious side effects   and can numb back of throat  difficulty swallowing

  • avoid homeopathic teething tablets (unregulated and may contain belladonna)  thats's a  hallucinogen

  • No to Amber teething necklaces- no evidence to support decreases pain of teething  and is a choking and  strangulation risk

Myth- teething causes fever

Fever is not a symptom of teething-, nor is severe diarrhea , vomiting and if not drinking:or extremely irritable- if concerned see your pediatrician.

Truth -Teething is a diagnosis of exclusion- toddlers get sick often with colds, fevers stomach bugs, ear infection  and more, so don't blame teething until other causes are ruled out. We don't want baby to suffer if he has something else that needs treatment.


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