Why Does My Baby Wake Up at Night? (Tips to Improve Sleep from a Pediatrician)

Infants, particularly newborns don’t sleep through the night, and frankly are not supposed to. I know as a mom this is extremely difficult because when baby is awake so to are you. However, it’s a phase that does get better with time as baby grows, develops and learns to self soothe. The good news is that there are definitely measures you can take to follow baby’s natural lead and at the same time guide them towards sleeping longer and more consistently for their age. Here is an excerpt of my tips as to why your baby may not be sleeping and how to help using my practical and safe sleep tips.

Is it normal for a baby to wake up multiple times at night?

It is absolutely normal for baby to wake up at night. In fact most babies have their days and nights mixed up at first.

When pregnant, you may have noticed a lot of movement by the fetus at night than during the day. Once born, this often continues and your bundle of joy is often wide-eyed and alert when you are the most exhausted, making night time overwhelming and difficult for a new parent.

However, as the baby’s stomach grows over the first few months, he/she can eat more per feeding which helps your little one to stay asleep for longer periods of time.

Do daytime naps affect a baby’s sleep at night?

By the time babies reach 3-6 months of age, their average amount of sleep is 15 hours in total including 2-3 naps during the day. They gradually begin to have longer stretches of sleep at night which may extend to 6-8 hours (sometimes even longer).

It’s important to let your baby nap as it is much more difficult to settle down an overtired baby for sleep at night. However, make sure the last nap is not too close to bedtime, as the baby will struggle to doze off if he is already refreshed from the previous nap.

You should look for cues such as yawning, rubbing eyes, stretching arms and legs which babies often use to communicate that they are sleepy.

How can I tell if the baby is cold at night?

It’s best to keep the temperature of the baby’s room between 68-72 degrees F. In fact, most new parents tend to keep their baby’s room too warm which can make the baby feel hot, sweaty and become excessively fussy.

Newborns can be made to wear an undershirt, pajamas, and you can even use a swaddling blanket or a sleep sack to keep the baby warm. However, be sure not to bury your baby under sheets of extra blankets, as it can increase the risk of suffocation as well as SIDS.

What is the best way to lengthen a baby’s sleep at night?

You should ensure that your baby has a consistent nighttime routine so that he/she can learn to identify and anticipate bedtime. 3-month old babies are old enough to be taught how to fall asleep on their own, which is the first step towards extending their nighttime sleep.

Putting babies down to sleep while they are still a little drowsy and not fully asleep helps them learn to settle themselves. This is important because when the babies do wake up in the middle of the night, it will be much easier for them to put themselves back to sleep on their own. Do not overlook this key step in your nighttime routine

To read the rest of my healthy and safe sleep tips for baby, go to https://www.top10homeremedies.com/pregnancy/10-common-reasons-babies-dont-sleep-night.html


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